Free E-Book: Cloud Native DevOps With Kubernetes – NGINX

Cloud native devops with kubernetes

NGINX has shared an ebook from O’Reilly – Cloud Native DevOps With Kubernetes – NGINX. This complete O’Reilly ebook shows how to apply industry-standard DevOps practices to Kubernetes in a cloud-native context. You will also learn how to build, deploy, and scale modern applications in the cloud.

In this ebook you will learn:

  • About containers and Kubernetes from first principles – no experience necessary – and how to design your own cloud‑native services and infrastructure
  • How to run your own clusters, or choose a managed Kubernetes service from Amazon, Google, and others, while managing resource usage and the container lifecycle
  • How to optimize clusters for cost, performance, resilience, capacity, and scalability while using the best tools for developing, testing, and deploying your applications
  • How to apply the latest industry practices for observability, monitoring, and security in production



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