Free E-Book: DRaaS for Dummies – Veeam Software Special Edition

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Disaster Recovery as a Service or DRaaS is very important at this time. Disaster Recovery as a Service revolutionizes DR planning and implementation, offering one go-to solution for rapid system data recovery and 24/7 Availability.

Building a successful DR plan is necessary in today’s business environment. However, no one would have thought implementing DRaaS could be such an efficient process, easily accessible to non-DR experts. In this e-book, you will get on how to planning, implementing, and executing DRaaS for your business.

DRaaS for Dummies Cover
DRaaS for Dummies

Book Chapter

There are five chapters on this ebook:

Chapter 1: Understanding Disaster Recovery as a Service
Chapter 2: Defining Your Requirements for a DRaaS Solution
Chapter 3: Implementing DRaaS
Chapter 4: DRaaS Operations
Chapter 5: Ten Business Benefits of DRaaS

What will you get?

By reading this e-book, you will learn about:

  • How DRaaS almost makes DR as simple as setting up a smartphone
  • How to work through the legal and compliance requirements of DR
  • Tips you can use to select a DRaaS service provider


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